
"VimeoLabs" is a web-based platform with four creative applications that all leverage the Vimeo Developer API. The project was built during a year-long creative technology fellowship at the Vimeo HQ in NYC from 2012-2013.

The featured application on the platform is "Current". Assuming you have a Vimeo account and you have "liked" videos before, the application attempts to recommend to you videos recently liked by people who have similar likes to you. It was inspired by Amazon's "people who bought this _____ also bought this _____" approach.

There are three other applications on the platform. "Flow" is an earlier iteration of "Current"with an animated visual interface. "Party" returns short videos based on a user's word choice entries. And "Surf" is a throwback to what a "Vimeo TV" might have looke like. It queries recent videos from the Vimeo Staff Picks Channel and plays them in sequence starting at a random point in the first video. The only action a user can do is watch or "change the channel".

A special thank you to Vimeo's Aaron Hedges who provided a great deal of technical support in the creation of this project.